Our brains are amazing and complex organs that are responsible for regulating our emotions and survival instincts. One key player in this intricate system is the amygdala. Nestled deep within the brain, the amygdala serves as the primary hub for emotional processing, response, and memory.
Understanding the Amygdala:
The amygdala is an ancient part of our brain, formed even before birth. It acts as an early warning system, rapidly detecting any signs of danger or threat in our environment. Think of it as a vigilant sentry, always on the lookout for our safety. The remarkable thing about the amygdala is that it reacts before conscious thought, allowing us to respond instinctively in times of crisis.
However, the amygdala’s functioning goes beyond immediate danger detection. It also plays a critical role in shaping our emotional memories. Unlike our conscious memory system, the amygdala remembers the emotional feel of past events rather than the specific details. This is why certain memories, even if we can’t recall every detail, can still evoke strong emotional responses.
The Subconscious Power of the Amygdala:
Numerous studies have revealed the extraordinary power of the amygdala, even when we are not consciously aware of its influence. For instance, research has demonstrated that our amygdala can react to subliminal images of faces displaying various emotions, while our conscious mind remains oblivious to their presence. The amygdala responds to angry, sad, fearful, and even ambiguous faces, setting off a cascade of physiological reactions within our bodies.
This subconscious processing by the amygdala can explain why we may sometimes experience emotional reactions that seem disproportionate to the situation at hand. Understanding this mechanism helps us recognise that our emotional responses are not always under conscious control. Part of how I help women within The Real Success Academy is to understand and acknowledge the role of the amygdala because it’s incredibly empowering. It brings awareness to how we can learn to hold ourselves safe, regulate our emotions effectively and shift from reacting in life to responding.
Self-Soothing Techniques:
While the amygdala’s automatic responses are vital for our survival, they can sometimes lead to heightened stress, anxiety, or emotional turmoil. To mitigate the impact of these intense emotional reactions, it is essential to cultivate self-soothing strategies.
Self-soothing techniques could include mindful and connected breathing, grounding exercises, reframing, movement, music, nature, creative expression, journalling, and many more.
Self-soothing strategies help you manage stress and emotional overwhelm, helping you regain a sense of control and calm during challenging times. Working together is about creating a personalised approach, guidance and support so you can explore and understand your needs and triggers. Creating a plan to incorporate effective self-soothing techniques into your daily routine, is about providing you with scaffolding to implement meaningful changes.
Most of us don’t know all that much about the brain and how it drives our thoughts, feelings and actions or inactions. The amygdala’s influence on our emotional responses and memories cannot be underestimated. By understanding its role in our lives, we can implement effective strategies to self-soothe we can put ourselves in the centre of our decision making and start responding in healthy ways in life. Harnessing the strength and protective nature of our amygdala helps us cultivate a greater sense of emotional resilience.
Remember, nurturing our mental health is an ongoing process and using a collaborative relationship enhances your self-awareness. It also ensures you have a compassionate ally to hold you accountable while you take action and celebrate your progress, empowering you to lead a more calm, compassionate and caring life.
If you feel ready to get clarity on how your amygdala is impacting your life, I’m here. Choose a time that works for you and book into my calendar here.
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